Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.
Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.
Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.
Attendance and absences
Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.
In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent and remain in school, employment or training until they turn 17.
For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:
School frameworks (school rules)
As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.
Address, Telephone and Medical Changes
It is vital that all information is kept up to date so that appropriate action can be taken in an emergency. Please notify the school immediately if your address, phone number, family situation, emergency contacts or medical information changes.
Medications and health care plans
Children who have short-term medication and require a dose to be administrated at school, must bring the medication and explanatory note to the school. It is an advantage, in such cases, that the required daily dose of medicine is sent to school each day. This prevents the medicine being accidentally left at school and the children missing the night time dose. Clear labelling is essential.
Parents of children who have long-term medication requirements should discuss the needs with the Principal and have the necessary forms completed.
All children should be immunised before starting school. This includes a measles/mumps vaccine. It is now a requirement for entry that parents provide documentation of the immunisation status of each child on enrolment.
A child without an Immunisation History Statement will not be prevented from enrolling in a primary school. Under the NSW Public Health Act 2010, children without proof of immunisation may be asked by public health officials to stay home during an outbreak of vaccine preventable disease.
First aid/illness/accident
All staff have undertaken First Aid courses including CPR. The School Administrative Staff will administer first aid for minor accidents. In case of illness, or when an accident is thought to be serious, parents will be advised by phone to make arrangements to pick up children. If this is not possible, children will remain in the school sick bay. If an accident is of a very serious nature the school will contact the parent, and the ambulance service immediately.
Infectious diseases
In the event of your child contracting a communicable disease, you should notify the school immediately. Details of exclusion times are available from the school office.
The following are the most common diseases. Children must remain away from school for the minimum time listed.
- Chicken px: 7 days or until all sores are healed.
- German Measles: 5 days after rash appears or until fully recovered.
- Glandular Fever: Until fully recovered – normally a Medical Certificate.
- Measles: 4 days after rash appears or until fully recovered.
- Mumps: 10 days after swelling appears.
- Whooping Cough: 3 days from onset of Whoop or Medical Certificate.
- Ringworm/Scabies: Re-admit when treatment commenced – Medical Certificate.
- Head Lice: Re-admit after treatment with special lotion and no lice present.
- Conjunctivitis: Re-admit when eye discharge has ceased.
- Impetigo (School Sores): Until healed and re-admit if sores (school sores) on exposed surfaces are treated and covered.
Reporting to the office and school access
All parents/carers and visitors entering the school are required to report to the office for Workplace Health and Safety reasons.
The gates are locked between 9am to 2.50pm.
Parents/Carers are not permitted to enter school grounds until the small access gates have been opened by a staff member. Our teaching and learning time is our focus and we insist on minimal interruption at all times during school hours. The carpark entry gate is not for pedestrians as it is unsafe.
Picking up children
Parents are requested to wait for their children in the undercover area from 2.50pm only. If parents wish to discuss any matters with teachers, please arrange an appointment through the school’s office.
Please do not sit within view of any classroom as this can be distracting for students. (Refer to Appointments/Parent Interviews).
Gates will be unlocked at 2.50pm to allow parents in for pickup.
Changes to going home routine
It is most important that changes to your child’s going home routine are communicated to the school by a written note or a phone message. For safety reasons, children are sent home in their usual way if the office does not receive notification of change.
It can be very confusing and distressing if children tell the teacher on duty that a change should happen and we have not heard from the parent or carer. It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to ensure this communication is made. If you need to collect your child early for an appointment please go to the front office and your child will be collected from the classroom. No parent/carer is to collect a child from the classroom. It is a requirement that all parents sign their child/children out when leaving early in the school day.
From time to time classes may attend school excursions. These are part of the school curriculum, and all children are encouraged to attend. The cost of excursions is kept to a minimum and in some cases fund raising activities may be conducted to lower the cost per student. If you have financial problems in this respect, please contact the principal to discuss assistance and payment plan options.
Permission notes must be signed for all children who attend these excursions to comply with Department of Education regulations.
Road safety
We would like community members support by:
- Modelling safe road use behaviour
- nsuring our children are protected whilst travelling through the use of helmets, road safe bikes and seat belts
- Parking their vehicles safely and observing all parking signs at and near the school
- Having children enter and leave vehicles via the kurb-side door
- Reinforcing road safety with children at home e.g. Wait, Watch and Listen
- If you call at school for your child always go to the school entrance and escort him/her across the street. Never beckon your child from the opposite side to come to you through the after-school traffic
- Use pedestrian gates to enter and exit the school grounds
We recommend that children are not permitted to ride bicycles to school unless the school and parents are satisfied that it is safe to do so. Children should be at least 10 years of age, have a roadworthy bicycle, wear an approved helmet, demonstrate an ability to ride in a safe and responsible manner and have a bicycle safe route to and from school.
The riding of roller blades, scooters and skateboards to school is not permitted. These modes of transport are not considered safe.
Always encourage your child to show good manners to the driver and passengers. Do not hesitate to speak to the driver if the need arises. The safety of all children is their concern.
Children are advised to:
- Go directly to the bus stop
- Use a pedestrian crossing when appropriate
- Stand well back from the curb
- Wait quietly and sensibly
- Seek assistance or help if required (students should go directly to the office)
Caring classrooms
Our professional and dedicated teaching staff provide quality teaching and learning opportunities. Teachers plan teaching and learning programs that reflect the needs and interests of all students whilst ensuring quality activities provide opportunities to achieve stage outcomes. The curriculum is differentiated to cater for special needs, including gifted and talented and those students needing extra support.
Our classrooms are positive learning environments where children feel cared for, safe and encouraged at all times.
School policies
School policies are developed in consultation with parents, following guidelines from Department of Education. Policies are reviewed as necessary to ensure alignment with current requirements and practices.
Student wellbeing
All programs, policies and practices of the school are organised around the welfare of the whole school community. The emphasis is placed on developing caring children who look after each other and their environment.
A copy of the Code of Values is included on page 3 of this handbook. Parents will be informed and involved at an early stage if a students’ behaviour is regularly unacceptable or if the student displays dangerous or extreme behaviour.
The school encourages all children to make use of the library. Information skills are a vital part of all learning. Children learn correct use of the library and that reading can be a constant source of enjoyment, information and recreation.
The library will provide a borrowing service for all children. The school seeks the assistance of parents in:
- Encouraging their child to borrow books
- Ensuring that books are looked after at home
- Ensuring that books are returned promptly after being read
- Providing a material library bag, with plastic bag inside
Mobile phones
Should students need to bring a mobile phone to school they are required to leave them at the front office and pick up at the conclusion of school.